How to Take Care of Succulents

Although succulents are known for being low maintenance, their requirements to stay alive can be very different when compared to your typical houseplant. From tabletop succulent gardens to succulent terrariums, the care is all the same. The Pot City has some tips for you on how to keep your succulents happy and healthy!


Provide Proper Lighting

Pick the Right Soil

Fertilize in the Summer


Water by Season

  • Succulents need more energy during growing season

  • A good rule of thumb for watering your succulents is twice a month during the spring and summer months and once a month during the fall and winter months

Avoid Overwatering 

  • Overwatering succulents will cause their roots to rot, eventually causing the succulent to die

  • Make sure to let the soil fully dry between waterings

  • To test the soil’s moisture levels, you can use a moisture meter or keep a wooden dowel in the soil - if you pull the dowel out of the soil and it’s damp, do not water

Water Soil Directly

  • When watering, soak the soil until the water runs out of your pot’s drainage holes 

  • If you are using a pot that does not have a drainage hole, put a layer of gravel in the pot before adding the soil to add the necessary drainage 

  • Avoid using spray bottles to water your succulents 


Rotate Frequently 

  • Succulents thrive in sunny environments, but rotating frequently assures every side of your plant is getting enough light

  • If your succulent begins leaning toward the sun, rotating the leaning part of the plant away from the sun will help the succulent straighten out

Wipe Away Dust 

  • Dust is inevitable with indoor plants, make sure to gently wipe away dust on the leaves and spines of your succulents with a damp cloth, soft paintbrush, or duster gloves

Get Rid of Bugs

  • Overwatering and over-fertilizing are common causes of pests 

  • Move succulents with bugs away from your other plants and spray their soil with 70 percent isopropyl alcohol

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The Right Soil for Your Plant